My Story

Curating Safe Places
Find Peace in Your Storm

If you need to move from chaos to calm, find peace in your storm, and heal your heart, this is a safe place for you. As a woman of Bohemian Lifestyle, I embrace this freedom within me to curate sacred spaces for women and families. It is a passion of mine to design a safe place specifically where you can uncover the voice of your soul.

I offer various modalities of holistic practices with an invitation for your healing. As we travel this road together, we get to know your story and find purpose in healing.
It is with a gentle heart I hold a sacred space that whispers truth to your soul.
Together, we invite the Spirit to join us as we navigate life rhythms for wholehearted living with daily practices.

Arianna is an earth angel.
Working with her has changed my life.
She has given me the tools and awareness to let the god within lead my life.


Here’s How I Curate Safe Spaces for You